What is Quality Assurance and Why Does Your Business Need It?

Does your business have a quality assurance plan in place? Discover what QA is and why you need to start implementing it now.

How to Turn Your Big Data Into Actionable Insights for Your Business

Learn how to use utilize data analytics to make strategic business decisions that align with your business goals and improve the success of your critical initiatives.

NetSuite vs. QuickBooks: Which One is Right For Your Business?

Learn the key differences between NetSuite and QuickBooks and make a well-informed decision for your business.

Creatives Working with Creatives: How Writers and Designers Can Collaborate More Effectively

Designers and writers both have various ways of working, but in order for a project to be successful, these experts need to be aligned from the start. Learn how to incorporate communication from the start of the project to improve its' outcome.

How to Determine if AWS or Azure is the Right Cloud Platform for Your Organization

Learn the ins and outs of Azure and AWS to discover which cloud platform will work best for your organization, employees, and clients.

Top Qualities to Look for in a Successful Project Manager

Project manager Greg Cimmarrusti eloquently describes a profession that is often difficult to describe: “Being a Project Manager is like being an artist, you have the different colored process streams combining into a work of art.”

4 Ways to Improve Your Organization’s Cybersecurity

66% of hacked businesses weren’t confident they could recover. Hacks target customer and employee information, which often includes financial information, mailing addresses, social security numbers, and other personal identifying information (PII).

How 2020 Reshaped Affirma’s Approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

As an organization of experienced consultants, the work we do at Affirma is very people-centric. Every day we’re working externally with our clients to create strong working relationships, and internally in our project teams to form positive collaborative relationships and ultimately deliver more for our clients.

Why is Change Management So Important Today?

The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said that the “only constant is change.” Those words resonate in today’s mercurial, pandemic-affected world where businesses and people have relied on the digital landscape for not only communication but also for survival.

Up Your Social Media Marketing Game With 5 Savvy Tips

If we all thought we were sucked into our social media before, COVID-19 changed the name of the game. In the U.S. and Europe alone, data usage soared up 47% in the first quarter of 2020 compared to the first quarter of 2019. Because of travel restrictions and ever-evolving CDC guidelines, individuals and businesses alike have…